Transtheoretical Model of Change

Author: Julie Lamontagne

In my previous blog I had given my readers and fitness enthusiast's the necessary tools to set SMART and behaviour goals. The next step is the Transtheoretical Model of Change.

Basically, this model exists to help individuals determine their level of readiness with respect to making changes and committing to the process. For example, this can apply to the readiness of an individual to get treatment for chronic injuries or the readiness to make positive behaviour changes to become healthier.

The model of change has 5-6 steps depending on the sources,ulysse nardin replica watches but every stage describes a different level of readiness. Take a minute to read the chart below and see which stage you associate with the most?

Fig 1: Transtheoretical Model of Change

Steps of Model of Change

  • Unaware that your current behaviour is problematic (if keep going down same path you will likely face a health crisis in the future as a result)
  • Unaware of benefits of a behaviour change
  • Tend to overestimate the requirements necessary for change and quick to mention obstacles
  • Not planning to act within the next 6 months
  • Contemplation
    Getting Ready
  • You have become aware of your current behaviour and are starting to realize the benefits of change
  • You are considering to begin acting within 6 months
  • Thinking about the pros and cons of behaviour change

  • Preparation
  • You are ready to make changes (within 30 days)
  • You booked a consultation with a health professional
  • You are definitely aware that the benefits of making a change outweigh the cons.
  • You are aware you need some additional knowledge and support to accomplish your goal
  • You have set your SMART goals and Behaviour goals (steps on how to in previous SMART goals blog)
  • Action
    Made changes
  • You have made positive behaviour changes in last 6 months and are working hard to stay on track
  • You are working with a health professional or you have been able to make positive changes on your own
  • You are setting weekly behaviour goals for continued progress and long term goals
  • Maintenance
    Sustain Action
  • You have stuck with changed behaviours for 6 months or more.
  • Shifting to new goals
  • Searching for techniques for keeping up your commitments such as avoiding people and situations that tempt you to behave in unhealthy ways, or substituting an unhealthy behaviour with a healthy one
  • Relapse
  • Falling back to old habits and returning to the contemplation stage

  • After reading each stage, which stage did you associate yourself with the most?

    There is no right or wrong answer. Everybody will be at difference stages based on their readiness level. Keep in mind however, that just by reading this blog you are already in the contemplation stage.

    If you are in the preparation or action stage, you are on the right track. You are already seeing a health professional for guidance and are taking the appropriate steps towards positive behaviour changes.

    Finally, if you associate yourself with the pre-contemplation stage, it means you are not ready for a change. This could be a good time to think about the near future. Ask yourself that if you continue down your current path you will likely face a health crisis in the future as a result.

    In order to find out if you are ready for change, take a few minutes to complete the activity below. Fill in each boxes with as many pros and cons.

    Analyzing Your Chart

    Change Behaviour Don't Change Behaviour
    Pros I would be healthier
    I will feel better emotionally. i.e happier
    Enjoy time with friends
    Makes my life easier- no complications
    Cons I don't have time to cook
    I hate grocery shopping
    I might gain more weight
    I will continue to be unhealthy

    If you have a much longer list in the upper left (change behavior & pros) and lower right boxes (don't change behaviour & cons) you are ready for change. You are realizing that the benefits of behaviour change outweigh the cons. On the contrary, if you have more points in the upper right and lower left quadrant, this is an indication that you are not ready for change or maybe underestimating the benefits of behaviour change.

    If you feel you are ready to take the next step, please consider booking in for a Functional Movement Screen with our Physiotherapist or Chiropractor or with our Sports Nutritionist for advice, support and guidance surrounding your nutritional habits. Our trained professionals will give you the tools to help you get started on an individualized strength and conditioning program and kick start you from contemplation to being ready to make the necessary changes.